Friends & Sponsors Keep Us Going Strong
Bonita Springs Concert Band concerts follow themes of the seasons, holidays, and patriotic traditions we all love to celebrate. There are different ways to contribute; whether you’re a corporate or individual sponsor, your generous support is tax-deductible. Help keep the arts alive and enrich our community culture.
Help Support the Band
You can make a donation at any concert when the collection passes through the audience. Receipts can be issued for tax purposes at our table accepting credit cards and checks.
Make a Donation
FRIEND $50–$249
Thank you!
SILVER $250–$499
GOLD $500–$999
PLATINUM $1,000+
All donors will be listed on the music program and website for all levels and will have access to the "Season Highlights" video at the end of each season.
Concert Sponsorship
$500 Per Concert
- Promoted for selected concert
- Text ad in the music program
- Sponsored by in all promotions
- Will have access to the “Season Highlights” recording at the end of each season.
Corporate Contributions
- Contribute goods, services, donations
- Listed in the music program
- Web link in list page
Seasonal Sponsorship
- All concert promotions
- Color ad in the music program
- Link to your website on our website
- Will have access to the “Season Highlights” recording at the end of each season.
List of Sponsors
Concert Sponsors
Robert and Maureen Lorenz
Love INC >
Love INC
Paula and Paul (Brudd) Rohr Family
Bonita Senior Centers
The Reisenfeld Philanthropic Fund
Fred and Anita Smith
Coplin Wealth Management
List of Friends
Listed On Each Concert Programs
Listed On Each Concert Programs
Listed On Each Concert Programs
Listed On Each Concert Programs